
Do you think in English?

I heard something on the radio today in an interview with a foreign (to England) musical artist. The interviewers asked the lady “Do you think in English?”. Whilst her response was yes, due to the fact she had spent to long a time living here, it has had me thinking for the last 10 minutes, in English.

Has anyone ever asked you in what language you think in? It’s not something that anyone would consider too often, but once you do, I am sure you will find it an interesting thought process. What would it be like thinking in an alternative language? Can you imagine thinking in anything different than the one you speak?

I’d be interested to know also if it is a conscious thing to think in anything other than your native tongue, and wether you can switch between two languages inside your head.

Food for thought. For me, in English

Posted On: Friday, November 15th, 2013 @ 4:05 pm by Ian Tearle

1 Comment

Adel Miljkovic says:

Still, you can control the language you think in. You really changed your "default" brain language when you start dreaming in English. That's some serious stuff.

Posted On: Wednesday, December 4th, 2013 @ 2:19 am

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