Sometimes the menu position is just not enough. Especially when the design calls for the menu to be in a different postion, or perhaps you want to make a site map?
This code will help you get your Dreamscape CMS menu into your footer, or anywhere else you want it.
//Menu in Footer Code
function add_menu()
global $mainmenu, $themetemplates, $user_vars, $items, $option, $theme_suffix, $Database, $sections;
$tplext = TPL_EXT;
$sortdirection = ($option->sortdirection == 'ASC') ? true : false;
$sortby = (!empty($option->sortcats)) ? $option->sortcats : 'created';
$user_pages = $items->GetList(array(
array('pid', '=', 0),
array('online', '=', 1),
array('type', '=', 'static'),
array('created', '<=', time())), $sortby, $sortdirection);
//Grab the categories
$menu = $sections->GetList(array(array('pid', '=', 0), array('cat_type', '!=', 'pages')));
$mainmenu->sections = prepare_menu_content($menu);
$user_pages = prepare_menu_content($user_pages);
$custom = $items->GetList("SELECT
id, title, pid, dirtitle, menu_order
FROM *table*
WHERE online=1
AND menu_order != 0
AND created <=".time()."
AND type='static'
ORDER BY menu_order ASC");
$custom_sections = $sections->GetList("SELECT
id, pid, dirtitle, descr, sectionname as title, public, order_rank as menu_order
FROM *table*
WHERE public=1
AND cat_type != 'pages'
AND order_rank != 0
ORDER BY menu_order ASC");
$custom = array_merge($custom, $custom_sections);
csort($custom, 'menu_order');
$custom_menu = prepare_menu_content($custom);
$mainmenu->custom_menu = $custom_menu;
$mainmenu->user_pages = $user_pages;
$mainmenu->pages_list = '
' . "\n" . get_full_page_list() . "\n" . '
$mainmenu = inject_variables($mainmenu, $user_vars['menu']);
$mainmenu = inject_variables($mainmenu, $user_vars['loops']);
return $mainmenu;
$footer_menu = add_menu();
Then call your function inside a loop:
Posted On: Friday, February 13th, 2009 @ 6:07 pm by Ian Tearle
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