When the news broke of GoDaddy’s acquisition of MediaTemple I was instantly disappointed. Just the name alone make my skin crawl, everything about the company [GoDaddy], not just it’s past reputation, just does not fit well with everything I thought MediaTemple started out as and had become to be.
I have been trusting my web sites in the hands of MediaTemple since 2006, eight years of blissful hassle free hosting with one of the worlds best hosts, in their own words, taken from their announcement email “and one of the fastest-growing companies in the world”, why then be amalgamated into one of the worlds worst hosts - new CEO or not.
MediaTemple’s stance and response to the mass exodus (or at least threats of at this time) of designers trusting their web sites with them [MediaTemple] is one that does not reflect the reasoning why those customers might be leaving. MediaTemple created a community. A community away from the likes of poor hosts like GoDaddy. We signed up to the services and offerings of MediaTemple because the stood for something different. Because they were born out of a specific necessity for web designers. It doesn’t matter if those core values have not changed, or not even likely to budge in the future. Its the affiliation with GoDaddy that is enough to tarnish the name of MediaTemple.
It will never matter how many new CEO’s of GoDaddy there are, or how the core values have changed with MediaTemple’s new owners, web designers came to Media Temple because they were the “fastest-growing company in the world”, a statement which holds no weight at all when you sell out to your competitor.
For me however. I have been needing something better for some time. I have need of NodeJS on the same instance as PHP and other services, I’ve been hoping the GRID would be developed in a similar offering, but it just hasn’t materialised. This is the excuse I have been waiting for to move.
It would also appear DigitalOcean provides everything I need for the same price if not cheaper, I can also run cron jobs every minute and not be restricted by 5 minute intervals - win.
So, all in all. Its not you MediaTemple, it’s GoDaddy.
N.B. This post was written in a few moments, I apologise if I have not made my self clear, or have badly written sentences. I hope you get the gist.
Posted On: Wednesday, October 16th, 2013 @ 3:11 pm by Ian Tearle
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