
jQuery Random Image Selector

Just a very short, and perhaps simple demonstration of how to randomly display a background image from a CSS sprite using only jQuery and CSS background positions. Great if you have a changing banner on your website.

Firstly I will make this into a plugin with only one variable you will need to change depending on the amount of images in your sprite, this is in the var $imageNumber.

 $.fn.randomImage = function (){ var $imageNumber = 8,  // Set the amount of images in the Sprite $height = $('> div', this).innerHeight(), $random_num = Math.random() * $imageNumber - 1, $multiple = Math.round($random_num), $random = $height * $multiple jQuery('.image').css(  {'background-position' : '0px -' + $random + 'px',  'display' : 'block' }  )}; 

The only necessities you will need in your html is a div with a class of image inside your selectable div, which you select with the following:


Your CSS will have to define the height of the div.image which in turn should equal the height of the individual image in your sprite.

Posted On: Tuesday, August 25th, 2009 @ 5:12 pm by Ian Tearle


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