
Woah there nelly

Sorry for the mess. Twitter bootstrap to the rescue for some basic styles; it may look like a few other sites on the internet because of that, as I have been so busy with other things recently. There is also a lack of links around. They are coming soon, I promise. Might also add a search.

Have been playing around with Expanse CMS of late. Delving deep into the code, fixing a few bugs, and preping it better for PHP5. There are some depricated parts in the underlying system, so you may see some errors. Sorry.

Spent a heck of a lot of time sorting out my CSS animations - actually http://daneden.me/animate/ library and jQuery tricks made that super quick. That was until I got my head around CSS3 animations in general. 

Posted On: Tuesday, December 6th, 2011 @ 6:49 pm by Ian Tearle


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